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  • musicbykrisvandyke

The Road

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

This is a song that, after performing it at my favorite open mic spot, 192 Brewing in Kenmore, WA, my friend and colleague, Matt, came up to me and said "I can't wait to hear that song when it's finished". I was stunned and I don't recall what I said. Moments later I felt indignant. "The Road is done!" I thought to myself. I've now, I think, realized what he meant; The Road needs another verse.

Now, I'm hesitant to even post this here, because it's not done you see. <sighs> but I know myself well enough to know that I may not ever finish it for real; it is done enough, I can perform it proudly still, if I add a verse, then I'll update the post.

Anyway, this song is about exactly what you would think it to be about: moving, growing, traveling, leaving, arriving. The road is life; an elementary symbolism. My ex-girlfriend, Tiffany, helped me write this song. I owe a thanks to her for that, among other things. More specifically, this song is about looking at yourself in the mirror, not liking what you see, but trying to move past all that. I guess it's about moving on.

I look at my reflection

These cold and tired eyes

Like an empty ocean

How deeply still it sighs

I try n’ turn away

Instead inside I say “wake up”

Please wake up

Please wake up

I turn around the corner

Still that same old road

I just ignore the murmur

Claiming I’m too old

Trying to press on

Until that sinking’s gone don’t give up

Please don’t give up

Please don’t give up

Have I thrown in the towel

Given up on myself

Can I shake my own hand?

Can I bargain with myself?

When I look into those eyes I can’t help but wonder why

You left me behind

You left me behind

But now I sing—that’s alright

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